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Its Not About You

March 31, 2004 - 2:12 am

When I started reading I Kissed Dating Goodbye by Joshua Harris, I came across a phrase that has really stuck with me:
Beyond what feels good, back to what is good.
In this crazy, mixed-up, Post-Modern world that may not mean a lot since feeling good is the ultimate good from that point of view, but as a Christian, it really makes one think. As a Christian, I believe in absolutes: absolute truth, absolute good, absolute right and wrong. I don't, won't, and can't buy into the lie that what's true, good, and right for each person is relative. It's sad to see how these lies have crept into the theology of many "Christian" churches in the world today. Theologies such as The Prayer of Jabez, which sound harmless and very spiritual in practice, are really doing more to poison Christian theology and mock God by turning him into our big toymaker in the sky, charged with keeping us happy by giving us more and more.

This week in chapel is what is called "Struggles In The Faith" Week. There won't be any amazing stories of how God has "greatly expanded the boundaries of the land," or how God has richly blessed someone with lots of money and material goods, and we certainly won't have any "exploding Jesus's" or other fireworks to excite and entice people, but we will have amazing stories none-the-less. Amazing stories of how God's love and purpose in our lives can be revealed through even the most unimaginable and terrible tragedies. Monday morning we heard from a youth minister who was the driver of a church bus on the way back from a retreat when a truck pulling a 5th-wheel trailer coming from the opposite direction strayed across the center line and hit the bus. 6 young girls were killed, numerous others were hurt and maimed for life. How do you explain such a tragic loss? Was it just bad luck? Had someone on the bus sinned and now God was repaying them? How does this fit into the Jabez theology? They had prayed for a safe trip, where was God on his end of the prayer? How does this fit into our purpose in life? Did it even have a purpose?

Its hard to live this life without purpose. I think everyone wants to be here for some reason. What that purpose may be is quite varied and the variety of things people try to fill their life with is even greater. Being a Christian doesn't suddenly make my purpose in life plain and clear, but it does help to narrow down my choices. I think Rick Warren says it best in his book, The Purpose Driven Life, where he opens the book with the line "It's not about you." Such a simple statement and yet so very powerful. Imagine what a better world this would be if people would realize it isn't all about themselves. We're not our own personal gods and goddesses like so many people what to say. We hardly act better than animals sometimes, how are we supposed to think we're gods too? It's just ridiculous. Continuing on in Rick Warren's book:
The purpose of your life is far greater than your own personal fulfillment, your peace of mind, or even your happiness. It's far greater than your family, your career, or even your wildest dreams and ambitions. If you want to know why you were placed on this planet, you must begin with God. You were born by his purpose and for his purpose.
I don't think it can be said any better than that.

And since i've been writing this entry off and on for 2 days now, i can't really think of anything else to say right now, possibly more to come on this later.

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