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School Daze

August 22, 2001 - N/A

Well school is back in session now, and I'm not really sure what all is going on. When i woke up this morning, i only had 2 classes and wasn't sure if i was gonna be able to get any more (that i wanted). So i went to my only scheduled class for the day and after that visited my advisor. I had emailed him the night before with some classes i wanted to take and got them all, so i jumped from 6 hours to 17 hours this semester, this should be fun. A big bonus, i think i got a class with rachel now. She doesn't know yet, and i'm kinda apprehensive to see her reaction. She told me her schedule once before but when i asked for it again, she avoided it. I swear i'm not stalking her though, it's a class i needed for my major too, it's just an added bonus that she's there too.

So anyway, my day started off well. I was pretty excited about my classes, which is probably the first time that's ever happened. And for the most part my day went well.

I don't suppose it was until the afternoon that things started to go bad. First dave started bothering me about my computer and his computer. You see, dave is from nicaragua and doesn't have all the nicities we americans are used to. He sold his computer last semester and i said i'd help him build a new one. So he got some money from the sale of his computer and he earned some over the summer (i think), but i don't think it's going to be enough for what he wants. I offered to let him use one of my computers, if i could get my other computer setup so i could use it effectively. Well as of yet, i haven't, but he's already started bothering me about getting my computer. I already let him borrow my stereo, and now he wants my computer too. You know, i'm willing to make some sacrifices for my friends, but he's takin' everything i hold dear. My computer and my music are both big parts of my life and i don't know if i can just give them both up right now. So anyway, he came over tonight, we looked around a bit for some stuff for his computer, but i just don't have the heart to tell him he needs more money.

Then my mom IMs me, and for some reason, nearly everything she says just seems to make me mad. I had a hard time trying to stay calm when i was talking to her. I'm not even sure why i was getting mad, she was tryin' to help me, but... i don't know. I ended up having to just tell her goodbye and i laid down for a few hours.

Oh yeah, my roommate also moved out today. I don't really care too much. We didn't know each other and he found an old friend upstairs who needed a roommate so he moved. Its all good with me.

At least i can have my hot chats with my online girlfriends again.

Haha, i'm just kiddin'. Kind of. Nicole was kinda fiesty tonight. I really miss talkin' to all of them, but with school back in session, it's harder to find the time.

I wish i had real friends...

My Candas The Leah